
TASNO Membership

1st STEP:

Send Us your name and e-mail address to us for a quick registry into TASNO’s e-mail list.We will email you before upcoming EVENTS.

2nd STEP:

Membership fees are (Please choose one type of membership: student or individual or family)

Üyelik Ücretleri: Lütfen her birey için BİR seçim yapınız.

Üyelik Türü                  Üyelik Aidatı

Bireysel                                               $35

Öğrenci                                               $10

Aile                                                     $60

Membership Fees: Please circle only ONE per person

Type                                 Membership Due

Individual                                            $35

Student                                               $10

Family                                                 $60


fill out the membership form and mail it with your membership fee

(payable to TASNO) to:

PO Box 347293
5611 State Rd.
Parma, OH 44134-2262

or make your payments using your credit card by clicking the link forNetwork for Good and Paypal

TASNO Üyelik / TASNO Membership



send your name and e-mail address to us for a quick registry into TASNO’s e-mail list.

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